co-operative drawing series Oratunga, 2008 – 2010

[co-operative drawing ] hill #11 Oratunga 2008

[co-operative drawing ] hill #8 Oratunga 2008

[co-operative drawing ] hill #5 Oratunga 2008

charcoal on paper


walking east to mallee bush, Oratunga 2009
crayon and pencil on canvas
drafting encounter, bush 2009
crayon and pencil on canvas


from veranda to Glass Gorge 1& 2, 2008
pencil on canvas



water on occasion, 2009
watercolour, pencil and oil crayon on canvas

2nd left knee – five day’s records 1 ,2008
Wasserfarbe, Tusche, Wachskreiden auf Leinwand

prey 2, 2009
Wasserfarbe, Tusche, Wachskreiden auf Leinwand